Expat FAQ

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What is an Umbrella Company?

Umbrella companies are entities that employ staff on behalf of another company, usually abroad. They are often used for self-employed staff or contractors (in the UK for example, see our FAQ: Do you need to set up a company if you are contracting in the UK?). However you might find other numerous advantages to use an Umbrella Company.

=>Develop sales and provide skills to a partner or client abroad.

The most common requirements are from companies abroad which do not have and do not want a permanent local establishment. They wish to start a sales and marketing activity through hiring a local employee with a local payroll and social charges.

Staff employed through an umbrella company can be, for example, skilled construction trades personnel, IT experts on a long term mission or any other kind of expert that the foreign provider company cannot retain on a payroll.

=>Optimize employment social protection of employees assigned outside the European Union.

The main benefit from Offshore Umbrella Company is the opportunity to employ experts on short or long term assignments, providing them with an optimized social protection and a tailored employment contract.

=>Solutions for contractors.

Providing Contractors or Free Lance with a structure enabling them to:
# Optimize social charges and non mandatory contributions,
# Have professional invoices raised
# Manage services contracts

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