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Unemployment compensation: How to get the E301?

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Original version hereFrançais

The E301, the E104 and E205 are three documents that attest to the payment of unemployment insurance contributions, health and retirement in the country of the European Union from your last residence.

Example in France:
You can obtained ne the E301 with the DDTEFP (Departmental Directorate of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training) place of residence of your emp loyeur France.

Example in the UK:
To get them in UK, just fill out a form (ca3916) you can download by clicking on the site of Inland Revenue .
Fill out and return it to the address indicated with a copy of your last pay slip and your last P60.
The first procedure na normally 2 to 3 weeks and do not hesitate to raise by calling +44 (0) 1912254811.

The E301 will then be asked by Assedics for the launch of your unemployment benefits.

It is better However, having reworked at least a day or 4 weeks in France to get benefits that hold the road. Otherwise what are the rights available in the UK who are transferred to France, ie not much.

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