Expat FAQ

Do you have a general question on expatriation? FAQs give you answers to the most frequent questions: Find a Job.

How do I find a short-term job / a seasonal work?

Many people look for short-term or seasonal work to make money during the summer months, provide easy access to work experience, or transition to expat life in a new country. Common sectors include:

  • Agriculture
  • Retail
  • Service Jobs (hotels, bars, cafés, resorts, and restaurants)
  • Resorts, campsites, caravan and holiday parks
  • Foreign Language Instructor

Some positions provide accommodations, transportation, and meals.

When to Apply

The warm months provide the best opportunities for most jobs, and the most competition. To find a position, it is best to start early. On the other hand, if you are looking for snow resort jobs look during the cold weather months.

Where to Search

European Youth Portal

As part of the EU, the Youth Opportunities Initiative (YOI) offers a set of measures aimed at increasing young people's employability. Young European job seekers looking for temporary work abroad or working holidays abroad can access the European Youth Portal. The system promotes EU programmes and resources such as Leonardo da Vinci, European Voluntary Service, Erasmus, Erasmus for Entrepreneurs and EURES, that are geared towards developing young people's skills, qualifications and training.


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