⚠️ найм проекта: перевод: вопросы и ответы по ht/mtpe

IT: программист, аналитик, и т.д. в Сеул

⚠️ найм проекта: перевод: вопросы и ответы по ht/mtpe

Centific нанимает сотрудников для нашего проекта под названием: Перевод: HT/MTPE, вопросы и ответы.

Ресурсам будут предоставлены исходники, и им нужно будет перевести некоторые документы, которые будут...

Этот текст была переведена автоматической системой.
Оригинальная версия здесьEnglish

⚠️ Project Hiring: Translation: HT/MTPE Q & A

Centific is hiring for our project called: Translation: HT/MTPE Q & A

Resources will be provided with a source, and they will need to translate some documents which will be conversations between a user and an assistant and are classified by topic.
Translators will perform human translation on documents in Computer Science Domain, each document is a conversation between a user and an assistant, topics are related to Computer Science.

This project aims to correct and make the machine translation sounds natural in their target language.

Main requirements:
• You are fluent in English US and native in Korean (Korea) or Japanese (Japan).
• You have access to a laptop and a good internet connection.
• Translation or Linguistics background is a plus, such as a BA or MA.
• You have previous experience in translation with expertise in the following fields:
- Computer Science
- Finance
- Health
- Legal
- Writing
- Other; General Knowledge

Compensation: You will be paid per source word.

Work when you can and as much as you want.
You put the limits!

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Join us today!
Learn more on our website, and apply by following these steps:
1.) Create your OneForma Profile through this link: https://my.oneforma.com/Account/login
2.) Go to "Jobs" Tab
3.) Click on "Translation" in the browse projects
4.) Apply for the project: OGMA HT

OneForma is part of Centific, a global digital and technology services company.
We bring together data, intelligence, and experiences to deliver human-centric solutions to complex business challenges.

Компания: Centific

Страна: в Сеул

Тип работы: По контракту/ Временная

Centific Recruitment


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Последние вакансии IT: программист, аналитик, и т.д.

Centific Recruitment
⚠️ Найм проекта: перевод: вопросы и ответы по Ht/mtpe

Centific нанимает сотрудников для нашего проекта под названием: (...)

IT: программист, аналитик, и т.д.: Сеул
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