работа няней и репетиторов английского языка

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работа няней и репетиторов английского языка

Ищете гибкую и интересную работу, где вы сможете говорить по-английски с детьми? Не ищите дальше!
Be My Nounou меняет правила игры, продвигая инновационный, веселый и развлекательный подход к ...

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Looking for a flexible and fun job where you can speak English to children? Look no further!
Be My Nounou changes the game by promoting an innovative, fun and entertaining approach to babysitting
that benefits everyone; parents, children and nannies. #InFunWeTrust
Your role as an English-speaking babysitter:
We are looking for creative and proactive babysitters, with a strong sense of responsibility, ready to form
lasting memories with children as well as to playfully teach them English in a fun and natural way.
Usual daily responsibilities include: school pick-up, preparing meals and snacks, ensuring the child’s safety,
playing and being imaginative when doing activities together.
Your Profile:
- Fluent in English, no need to speak French
- Experience in childcare, formal or informal (overall a competent understanding of childrens’ needs)
- Fun!
#Key Skills: Creativity, curiosity, autonomy, patience, positive thinking, English-speaking.
What we offer:
- A flexible job fitting your availability
- A competitive salary from 12.60 € to 20 € per hour
- Company’s health insurance
- Activity books and tips to support your work with children
- Responsive HR team & a personalised HR coordinator throughout the contract
We are happy to receive your resume here: jobs@bemynounou.com
You can also fill out the form online:
Many different offers part time or full time, starting asap!

Компания: BE MY NOUNOU

Страна: в Париж

Тип работы: По контракту/ Временная

Be My Nounou


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