Школа Гонконг

Директория эмиграции

The German Cultural Association of Hong Kong - 香港德國文化協會

We organize Private German lessons online for students of all ages and levels. Our teachers are native from Germany with a degree or master in teaching and several years of teaching experience. The courses take place over zoom. Semi-private classes and small groups can be also organized We are familiar with all the exam boards like IGCSE and IB.

Язык сайта:  

Ключевые слова: german lessons, german class, german course, learn german

[Hits: 4 - Добавлено: 21-01-2022]



Ленты RSS или ATOM

 8 things you did not know about the German language
The post 8 things you did not know about the German language appeared first on 香港德國文化協會 - German Cultural Association of Hong Kong.
24 August 2021 | 11:24 am

 Private Online German Lessons: Change the way you learn German
The post Private Online German Lessons: Change the way you learn German appeared first on 香港德國文化協會 - German Cultural Association of Hong Kong.
24 August 2021 | 11:16 am

 Why German is the best foreign language to learn
The post Why German is the best foreign language to learn appeared first on 香港德國文化協會 - German Cultural Association of Hong Kong.
24 August 2021 | 11:13 am

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