Professor de educação especial em casa

Ensino, Puericultura no México

Professor de educação especial em casa

Descrição do trabalho

Uma família americana que mora em Puerto Vallarta, no México, está procurando um professor certificado de educação especial para educar em casa seus dois filhos, de 10 e 11 anos, durante o ...

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Homeschool Special Education Teacher

Job Description

An American family living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is looking for a certified special education teacher to homeschool their two sons, ages 10 and 11, during the 2024-2025 school year.

Contract Duration:
September 2024 - June 2025
Trial period until December

Teaching certification (will consider teachers with former certifications)
2+ years teaching experience
Experience teaching students with dyslexia

Current passport and willingness to relocate to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Strong, organizational, time management, communication and interpersonal skills

Connect with and develop a relationship with students
Instruct and help motivate students in their studies
Utilize a variety of learning methods to enhance students’ learning experiences
Provide intervention specifically for dyslexia
Modify and accommodate curricular activities as needed
Communicate with students’ parents about learning needs, objectives and on-going progress
Work with family to organize and establish daily schedule

45,000 MXN per month
Comparable to teaching salaries at top local international school
Livable wage when considering the cost of living in the area

Healthy work-life balance
6 hour work day
Opportunities to discover the local area
Airfare in August 2024, December 2024 and June 2025
Support with locating housing
Support with transportation to and from homeschool location
Paid holidays and vacations

To apply:
Submit resume directly to

Interviews will begin July 30th and will be on-going until a suitable teacher is hired.

Companhia / Empresa: Private Home

Localização: no México

Tipo de Emprego: Contracto/Temporário

Salário: 45,000 MXN per month

Inserido por:
Karen Virta


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Últimas ofertas de emprego Ensino, Puericultura

Karen Virta
Professor De Educação Especial Em Casa

Descrição do trabalho Uma família americana que mora em Puerto Vallarta, no México, está procurando um (...)

Ensino, Puericultura: México
Pesquisa de emprego

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