Oneforma poszukuje pracowników do naszego projektu adnotacji sphynx!

Praca w IT: : programista, analityk, itp w Korea Południowa

Oneforma poszukuje pracowników do naszego projektu adnotacji sphynx!

Do naszego projektu dodawania adnotacji i etykietowania poszukujemy rodzimych użytkowników języka koreańskiego.

W tym projekcie dostępne są 2 role: adnotatorzy i audytorzy.

Dla ...

Ten tekst został przetłumaczony automatycznie.
Oryginalna wersja tutajEnglish

OneForma is hiring for our Sphynx Annotation Project!

We are looking for native Korean speakers for our Annotating and Labelling project.

There are 2 roles available for this project: Annotators and Auditors.

For the Annotation project, participants will examine different invoices, bills and receipts and mark different fields – such as name, address, amount, etc. – according to the instructions provided by the team.

For the Auditor project, participants will be responsible for annotation quality check according to the instructions provided by the team.
And will also need to work with project team at the beginning for auditing doc preparation.

Thanks to this, we will help develop AI technologies which will enhance the way online documents are filled in.

Main requirements:
• You are a Korean (Korea) native speaker.
• You can be based anywhere in the world as long as you are a native speaker.
• You have a good cultural knowledge of the locale, so you can understand and identify the desired information in complex documents.
• You have access to a laptop and a good internet connection.
• Ideally, you have some basic financial knowledge, so you can make your way around invoices and this type of document, although this is not mandatory.
• You can commit to dedicate a regular number of hours per month to this project.

• For Auditors; with annotation working experience (judge/QA annotation experience prefer, financial background prefer)

Compensation: We will pay per annotation.

Other important information:
• The team will provide instructions and guidelines, so you know what to expect and what to look for in each document.
• This project is expected to be regular, and we are aiming to create a stable team that can collaborate in a regular basis, so weekly/monthly dedication will be required.
• Please use a computer to do the certification (English one, not Spanish one) and the preferred browser is Google Chrome.

Check out the link for more information on the project:

To apply:
1.) For applicants with existing OneForma accounts, to apply, please login to OneForma using this link:
For new applicants, please create a profile in OneForma using this link:
2.) Go to JOBS tab > select Annotation/Labelling > “apply to”
Job ID for Annotation: Sphynx Annotation
Job ID for Auditor: Sphynx Auditor
3.) Kindly complete the required certification/s as part of the qualification process.

Work when you can and as much as you want.
You set the limits!

Let's make an impact together!
Join today!

Lokalizacja: w Korea Południowa

Rodzaj Pracy: Kontrakt/Tymczasowa

Umieszczone przez:
Centific Recruitment


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Ostatnio dodane ogłoszenia Praca w IT: : programista, analityk, itp

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Praca w IT: : programista, analityk, itp: Korea Południowa
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