Taylor Resume - Investor Relations Specialist w Usa

Taylor Resume - Investor Relations Specialist

Mr Taylor HAWKS

Telefon: 5136462386

2316 N Garrett Ave - Usa

Lokalizacja: Usa

Branża: Finanse, Księgowość, Ubezpieczenia

CIO/Director of Sales
Serve as the registered representative of Maraboyina Capital.
Cultivate and maintain relationships with high-net-worth individuals, family offices, and institutional investors, acting as a trusted advisor in private placement investment strategies.
Conduct thorough due diligence on private investment offerings, assessing their alignment with client investment objectives, risk tolerance, and regulatory requirements.
Manage all aspects of Investor Relations for over 100 clients.
Analyze financial statements, investment models, and business plans to assess the viability and attractiveness of private placement offerings.

Miami University (OH)

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CV załączone: CV_8895
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Taylor Hawks


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 Finanse, Księgowość, Ubezpieczenia

Taylor Hawks
Taylor Resume - Investor Relations Specialist

CIO/Director of Sales Serve as the registered representative of Maraboyina Capital. Cultivate and (...)

Finanse, Księgowość, Ubezpieczenia: Usa
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