Michael Marosi CV Creative i Kenia

Michael Marosi CV Creative

Mr Michael MAROSI

Telefoonnummer: 254716522195

Nairobi - Kenia

Locatie: Kenia

Sector: Marketing, Media, Communicatie

Zoeken naar werk (korte beschrijving):
10+ years of experience excelling at directing the design and execution of creative and technical projects. Deployed 108+ websites, 50+ advertising and marketing campaigns, resulting in increased user engagement and client satisfaction.

Ervaring :
Creative Project Manager, Mark & Ryse Company Limited, February 2019 - Current:
ā€¢ Collaborated with diverse internal teams, resulting in a 20% decrease in design and development time.
ā€¢ Managed a team of 6, improving project delivery cost efficiency by up to 20%.
ā€¢ Engaged stakeholders in project scope development, user research and planning of UI/UX strategies, building prototypes and ultimately executing the development and successful launch of 100+ website projects for diverse clientele including Ministry of Health, Palladium - Health Plus, AMREF Health Africa.
ā€¢ Championed production of user-centric UI/UX mobile app interfaces and seamless user flows, resulting in a 25% increase in app downloads.
ā€¢ Developed creative strategy and marketing campaigns for 30+ clients, including branding and advertising initiatives with comprehensive involvement spanning from ideation to execution, ensuring a consistent and impactful representation of clients' brands.
ā€¢ Designed 20+ unique logos according to creative brief that capture the core identity and values of companies. Preparing mockups for clients to sample the branding.
ā€¢ Ensured project completion and compliance according to company policies, best practices and procedures.

Head of Digital Division, Mediamax Network Limited, October 2012 - February 2019:
ā€¢ Directly managed business development portfolio of 20+ high-profile brands resulting in revenues of over 1,000,000 USD.
ā€¢ Governed the departmental budget and managed a team of 20 (including data analysis experts, designers, developers and journalists).
ā€¢ Spearheaded the creation of 8 brand websites for radio, television and print divisions with combined 21,000,000 monthly pageviews.
ā€¢ Commenced content and platform partnerships with 10+ companies, resulting in over 500,000 USD in revenues.

1) MBA in Global Business and Sustainability, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Milan, Italy.
2) Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science (First Class Honors), Catholic University of Eastern Africa.


Bijgevoegd CV: CV_8876
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Geplaatst door:
Michael Marosi


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 Marketing, Media, Communicatie

Michael Marosi
Michael Marosi CV Creative

10+ years of experience excelling at directing the design and execution of creative and technical projects. (...)

Marketing, Media, Communicatie: Kenia
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