Partecipa al progetto di oneforma dedicato alle app remote e alla valu

Altro in Nuova Zelanda

Partecipa al progetto di oneforma dedicato alle app remote e alla valu

OneForma è alla ricerca di candidati per il nostro progetto di valutazione/valutazione: app e valutazione musicale

Durante questo progetto di valutazione, sarai in grado di:

• Testare e valutare diverse ap ...

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Join OneForma’s Remote Apps and Music Grading Project!

OneForma is looking for applicants for our Judging/Grading: Apps and Music Grading Project

During this Evaluation project, you will:

• Test and evaluate different apps available in the App Store to determine the usability, efficiency and overall user experience and intent. This will be done by analysing the information provided in the App Store.

• Evaluate different music queries and their results to determine the usability, efficiency and overall user experience and intent. This will be done by analyzing the information provided in the Apple Music application as well as doing side searches on Google, Bing, Youtube to help users understand the intent of each query.

Main requirements:
• Fluent in one of the various languages.
• Reside in the country of your preferred language and use the local App Store.
• Have a high level of English.
• Based in the relevant country and use the local App Store.
• Valid Apple ID and iOS device.

Compensation: We will pay per audio hour.

The team will provide the rest of the instructions and guidelines

Check out the link to learn more about the project and to apply:

Work when you can and as much as you want.
You set the limits!

Let's make an impact together!
Transform apps with your feedback, join now!

Azienda: OneForma

Località : in Nuova Zelanda

Tipo di posto: CDD, Contratto

Inviato da:
Centific Recruitment


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Centific Recruitment
Partecipa Al Progetto Di Oneforma Dedicato Alle App Remote E Alla Valu

OneForma è alla ricerca di candidati per il nostro progetto di valutazione/valutazione: app e valutazione (...)

Altro: Nuova Zelanda
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