Bryan jester borees - operator technician en Nouvelle-Zélande

Bryan jester borees - operator technician

Mr Bryan jester BORRES

Téléphone: 09686414528

Jeddah saudi Arabia - Nouvelle-Zélande

Lieu: Nouvelle-Zélande

Secteur: Autres emplois

Position recherchée (courte description):
Im bryan jester borres 28 yrs old currently working here in KSA as a operator technician

My current job is in a beverage company as a operator technician, our products is pet bottled water, my responsibilities are operating and troubleshooting different inline machines i also perform lubrications on all moving parts of machine, i also do input of parameters needed as per the product. I also worked in the Philippines as a manufacturing technician for 23 months also in a beverage company, our product is CSD pet and glass bottle my main responsibility is operating and troubleshooting of filler machine, i also perform cip of the filler machine, i also do overhaul and change over of the machine as per production, i also collect hourly data monitoring from the machine

I studied at international Electonics and Technical Institute for 2 years and my course is consumer on Electronics and Electromechanical Technology


CV joint: CV_8905
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Bryan Jester borres


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 Autres emplois

Bryan Jester borres
Bryan jester borees - operator technician

Im bryan jester borres 28 yrs old currently working here in KSA as a operator technician (...)

Autres emplois: Nouvelle-Zélande
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