Director Property Management & Customer Service en Italie

Director Property Management & Customer Service

Mr Salvatore DE LUCIA

Téléphone: +39 3930217442

Lieu: Italie

Secteur: Tourisme, Hôtel, Guides

Position recherchée (courte description):
As a Property Manager and Customer Assistant, I developed key customer service skills by managing tenant relations, overseeing maintenance, and resolving issues with professionalism and effective communication.
● Handled tenant inquiries and concerns, providing quick and effective solutions to maintain positive relationships.
● Coordinated property maintenance and repairs, ensuring timely issue resolution and tenant satisfaction.
● Streamlined administrative tasks like lease agreements and rent collection, maintaining accuracy and efficiency.

Police Officer: Police Department, Positano, Italy
As a police officer, I honed customer service skills by managing diverse interactions and complex situations. I excelled in clear communication, empathy, and quick decision-making while resolving conflicts and addressing public needs with professionalism and care.
● Enhanced interpersonal skills by managing diverse interactions, resolving conflicts, and providing empathetic assistance in high-pressure situations.
● Demonstrated problem-solving by quickly assessing situations, identifying needs, and implementing effective solutions for safety and satisfaction.
● Exercised sound judgment in dynamic environments, balancing tasks and prioritizing actions to meet community needs while staying calm and professional.


2021-2025 Bachelor of Management & Economics (Part-Time while working) - Università degli Studi eCampus, Naples, Italy
2016-2020 Police Officer Course -Police Academy, Salerno, Italy
2015-2016 Bachelor of Law (Part-Time while working) -Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy

Native Italian with a professional English level

CV joint: CV_8898
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 Tourisme, Hôtel, Guides

Director Property Management & Customer Service

As a Property Manager and Customer Assistant, I developed key customer service skills by managing (...)

Tourisme, Hôtel, Guides: Italie
simona pica

Italiano madrelingua e inglese fluente (...)

Tourisme, Hôtel, Guides: Italie
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