PMP & Six Sigma Certified with 20 yrs exp in Customer service en Inde

PMP & Six Sigma Certified with 20 yrs exp in Customer service


Téléphone: +919890437322

Aundh Road, Pune - Inde

Lieu: Inde

Secteur: Service client, Centres d'appels

Position recherchée (courte description):
Seeking roles in Project Management, Customer Service, Operational Excellence, Process Re-engineering, Performance Management, Resource Management, Quality Control, Manpower Planning, Compensation Management

Company : Credit Suisse
Tenure : 4 Years - 2019-2023
Domain : Interview Scheduling - Was managing the AMER business of Interview Scheduling and Requisition Raising. ( Voice + Non Voice)
Span : 9 HR FTE.

Company : JP Morgan Chase
Tenure : ~3 years - 2017 - 2019
Domain : Fraud Detection and Avoidance ( Voice)
Span : 300 FTE

Company : FedEx
Tenure : 2 Years - 2015-2017
Domain : Customer Service Manager - ( Voice/ Emails/ Chats management for FedEx Customers)
Span : 90 FTE

Company : Infosys BPO
Tenure : 9.5 Years - 2006-2015
Domain : Order Management / Accounts Payable / BPHR ( Voice + Non Voice )
Span : 120 FTE

Other Companies Worked for in Customer Service : WNS, Kraftwagen, Mphasis.

• 2009| MBA (Marketing) | VMU
• 2004 | B.Sc. (Electronics) | Pune University
• Certified PMP Professional
• Certified as a Six Sigma Green Belt.

English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu

• CSR – Started a YOUTUBE channel to support students from underprivileged backgrounds to prepare for interviews. (Link : )
• Multiple Sessions conducted on topics like attitude, Conscious and Subconscious minds, Teamwork etc, in Deshpande Foundation-Hubbali. and various colleges in Pune.

CV joint: CV_8889
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Posté par:
Dinesh Acharya


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 Service client, Centres d'appels

Dinesh Acharya
PMP & Six Sigma Certified with 20 yrs exp in Customer service

Seeking roles in Project Management, Customer Service, Operational Excellence, Process Re-engineering, (...)

Service client, Centres d'appels: Inde
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