Job application au Danemark

Job application

Mr Birhane TEKLU

Téléphone: +250791377564

Rwanda kigali, Ruhengeri 03 - Danemark

Lieu: Danemark

Secteur: Santé, services sociaux

Position recherchée (courte description):
I am Pharmacist and have master's in public health nutrition with 16+ years related work experience mostly in INGO including Clinton health access initiative and Abt associates inc.

I have total of more than 16 years uninterrupted work experience mostly in INGOs and now working in MERQ consultancy as Pharmacy and nutrition consultant. I have worked as hospital Pharmacy, as instructor and department head in governmental health science college. Then, I had experience in drug regulatory office as inspector level III. Then, I worked as Pharmacy mentor in UASID/Abt associate inc. which my main roles was to prepare plans, design implementation plan, make gap assessments, provide capacity building, do supervisions, and provide mentorship to health staffs in facilities. In Clinton health access initiative, I had been involving since the start of designing the program, making and setting baseline targets, networking and partnership, frequent site visits, providing extensive trainings and capacity building activities. In MERQ consultancy, as program manger, supported the company establish branch office, recruit staffs and initiative the office. Then, develop business plan and had been representing the company in governmental and private based forums. Now working as Pharmacy and nutrition consultant.

BSc. degree in Pharmacy,
BSc. degree in public health
MSc. degree in public health nutrition



CV joint: CV_8920
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Birhane Teklu


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 Santé, services sociaux

Birhane Teklu
Job application

I am Pharmacist and have master's in public health nutrition with 16+ years related work experience mostly in (...)

Santé, services sociaux: Danemark
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