Experienced nurses for germany

Healthcare, Doctor, Nurse, Social in Frankfurt

Experienced nurses for germany

Experienced Nurses for Germany
Job Description:

On behalf of the Client, a group of nursery homes throughout Germany, we seek
experienced nurses interested in working and living in Germany.

 At least a Bachelor's degree in Nursing
 At least A2 proficiency in German, proof of continued learning
 At least 5 years of work experience as a nurse
 Good Salary
 Fully support the professional authorization, recognition, and registration to work as a
nurse in Germany.
 Visa paid
 Free accommodation
 Round tickets provided
Company Info

KARPIRA Recruitment Agency
Register just via following link:

Company: KARPIRA International Recruitment Agency

Location: in Frankfurt

Job Type: Permanent

Salary: 3000

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Latest jobs offered Healthcare, Doctor, Nurse, Social

Experienced Nurses For Germany

Occupation: Experienced Nurses for Germany Job Description: On behalf of the Client, a group of (...)

Healthcare, Doctor, Nurse, Social: Frankfurt
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