Electrical QC Inspector in Saudi Arabia

Electrical QC Inspector

Mr Muhammad Khalique u Zaman ZAMAN

Telephone: +966501820087

Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia

Location: Saudi Arabia

Sector: Other jobs

Job search (short statement...):
Electrical QC Inspector, Electrical Engineer, Engineer, Quality Control, Instrument, Quality Department, Electrical, Instrument, QC,

I am writing to apply for the Electrical QC Inspector position, utilizing my 8 years of experience in ensuring electrical quality, construction, and commissioning excellence. My expertise in inspecting and testing electrical systems, identifying defects, and implementing corrective actions will enable me to maintain the highest standards of quality.

Please find attached my CV, which provides a detailed overview of my experience, skills, and achievements in electrical quality control. I am confident that my expertise will align with your project requirements, and I look forward to discussing my application with you.

Bachelors of Engineering Electronic

English, Urdu, Arabic


CV attached: CV_8899
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Muhammad Khalique u Zaman


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Muhammad Khalique u Zaman
Electrical QC Inspector

Electrical QC Inspector, Electrical Engineer, Engineer, Quality Control, Instrument, Quality Department, (...)

Other jobs: Saudi Arabia
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