An au pair is in charge of taking care of the children. He or she will get food and accommodation provided by the family free of charge, and a small allowance in addition (sort of pocket money - about 600 CHF/month). The family must also allow the au pair her time off. During time off, the au pair is free for what she wants to do: learning a language at school or lazing around in Geneva.
Au pairs are not professional child minders and will not be a qualified nanny. Au pairs should not be responsible for children under 2 years of age.
There are no set conditions to become an au pair in Geneva. However, one will probably prefer girls (it can be boys... but it's rare) between 18 and 30, citizens of the European Union (The residence permit is given by the Cantonal Office of population - OCP - and only citizens from the European Union, USA, Canada - non French speaking, Australia and New Zealand are allowed to apply) and experience with children is likely to be demanded.
The minimum is 2 months and the au pair cannot stay more than 2 years.
She will have to take care of the children, i.e.:
The family has to welcome the au pair in thinking that she is not an employee but a home help for the children. Therefore they will make sure:
The OCP will send the form to the Office de la Main d'Oeuvre Etrangère (foreign work force office), 7 rue des Battoirs, 1205 Geneva. This office will check whether the familly complies with the necessary criteria for employing an au pair.
If you want to register as an au pair or as a family, you can contact:
You can also consult:
You will find also information on the website Centre d'Accueil Genève International with details of écoles Didac providing courses for young au pair.
Usually agencies will ask registration fees from the family, the au pair or both.
For transfrontaliers/transborder residents (resident in France, working in Geneva or looking for work in Switzerland) it is possible to find information at the Maison de l'Emploi.
Update 17/08/2006
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