It is important to know what number to call in case of emergency, no matter where you are. Familiarize yourself with these numbers before leaving home.
Numbers around the World
North America
- 911 United States
- 911 Canada
- 066 or 080 Mexico
- 119 Jamaica
- 112 Greenland
South America
- 101 or 911 Argentina
- 190 Brazil
- 112 or 123 Columbia
- 110 Bolivia
- 133 Chile
- 911 Ecuador
- 911 Paraguay
- 115 Suriname
- 911 Uruguay
- 171 Venezuela
- 112 EU (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom in addition to their other emergency numbers. Many other national also re-route to local services through 112)
- 999 United Kingdom
- 100 Israel
- 191 Thailand
- 117 Philippines
- 110 Japan
- 999 Bangladesh
- 110 (police) or 120 (medical) China
- 112 Hong Kong
- 108 India
- 110 Iran
- 112 (mobile) or 100 (police) or 110 (health) Israel
- 911 Jordan
- 112 Kuwait
- 000 Australia
- 111 New Zealand
- 911 Fiji
- 112 South Africa
- 112 Egypt
- 999 Ghana
- 199 Nigeria
- 177 Morocco
- 197 Tunisia
- 112 Rwanda
- 999 Uganda
- 019 Sierra Leone
- 999 Zambia
- 995 Zimbabwe
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones can usually be used in foreign countries for emergency purposes. Most phones and SIM cards have a preprogrammed list of emergency numbers. When an emergency number is dialed on a GSM or 3G phone, the network redirects the emergency call to the local emergency desk. Most GSM mobile phones can dial emergency calls even when the phone keyboard is locked, the phone is without a SIM card, or an emergency number is entered instead of the PIN.