There are ten years of compulsory schooling, often followed by upper secondary school and then university or technical schooling. The Norwegian school system is divided into three parts: Elementary school (Barneskole, age 6-13), lower secondary school (Ungdomsskole, age 13-16), and upper secondary school (Videregafaende skole, age 16-19).
Public education is virtually free. The academic year is split into two semesters, from August to December and from January to June. Public schools fall under the responsibility of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Education accounts for approximately 14 percent of government expenditures.
Primary school is mandatory for all children listed on the population register (Folkeregisteret) as residents in Oslo. Eligible students will receive a letter from the City of Oslo in the fall that they reach the age of 5. A number of schools have reception classes for newly arrived children who do not speak Norwegian.
Youth between 16 and 20 years who have not completed 10 years of basic schooling in their home countries may attend special classes for youth.
Basic skills in written and spoken Norwegian are necessary. Subjects are Norwegian, mathematics, English, social science and natural science
. On completion, you can apply for upper secondary school courses through the Education Authority (Utdanningsetaten) in Oslo. The Kommune also offers info about primary schools in Oslo (Norwegian only).
Higher education is a priority for the majority of citizens and follows the Bologna process. The Bachelor degree takes 3 years, Masters takes 2 years, and PhD takes 3 years.
Update 17/08/2010
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