Child care services in Mexico often fall to family members or close friends, but in such an international city there are a variety of opportunities for perspective au pairs. There are less regulatory limits on agencies in Mexico, so be sure to screen applicants and families before committing to any situation.
Several on-line searches help interested parties find the perfect Situation:
Basic application criteria vary from agency to agency, there are a few typical requirements:
In addition to these requirements, it is common for families to ask for non-smoking, responsible or non-drinkers, and for females. Many au pair families in México City expect applicants to be able to communicate in English as well.
It is the families responsibility to choose an agency that offers adequate screening of an au pair's background and mental make-up. The best situations are those in which the family and au pair truly like each other. It is also the families responsibility to be able to offer adequate room, board, and salary for the au pair as they are not a servant, but a valued employee. In most countries your host family has to take care of your living expenses. This includes your room and meals. They are also generally required to give you a private bedroom. In some countries families are also required to pay for such things as an your health and travel insurance or contribute to your language school costs
Update 6/09/2008
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