Check with consulate services in Jamaica for help with items including whether a visa can be obtained from Jamaica for the country you are leaving to
Make arrangements for closing of, or recovering contribution from, schemes such as pensions or a revolving loan fund
Determine whether items you wish to leave with are on the restricted list of items to export. If so, take steps to obtain the permit. Check with Jamaica Customs about items you wish to leave with that may be assessed for duties (tariffs and fees).
Make arrangements for shipping stuff from the house you are leaving. Give 30+ days' notice to terminate the rent agreement. The items you brought in must be taken away or disposed of.
In disposing of items, you could organize a yard sale or place ads in the classified
A tenant or lessee is normally entitled to refund of the deposit. Note this is subject to recovery of cost for repairs or to outstanding bills of the tenant.
Let your neighbours or friends know you are leaving - just a courtesy
Update 13/02/2016
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