Preparing for your move to Budapest


Before you make your departure to Budapest, it is important to have all of the requested documents, finances, and any specific medical shots done before leaving. Early preparation will help ensure a smooth departure to your new home overseas.

Preparing for your move to Hungary

Preparing to go abroad includes securing important documents, making copies, and a lot of planning. Ideally, you should make 3 copies of your passport, visas, and other important paperwork. Keep one with you, one in an accessible but safe place (i.e. safe deposit box), and one with a trusted relative or friend that can retrieve the information if something were to happen to you or the other copies.

A checklist of other things to consider:

  • Passports: Check expiration as they must not expire within 6 months of your arrival.
  • Secure medical insurance and travel insurance to prevent unmanageable medical bills and enable entry into other countries.
  • Research and apply for a Visa. This can take a couple of weeks. Give yourself ample time.
  • Save enough money to support your cost of living and lifestyle plus travel costs with enough of a buffer to be prepared for the unexpected.
  • Bring things to facilitate transition like a universal electric plug adaptor, any medications you take, or anything else to make you comfortable during the transition.


Make sure all bills are paid or have a means of being paid while you are away. If you are retaining a residence while abroad, make sure the rent/mortgage is taken care of and that utilities are being paid while you are away. Insure that important institutions like your bank are able to reach you.

If you are retaining a bank in your home country, ask about fees for overseas transactions. If you have a credit card, find out if there are additional fees or any changes you need to make with your account. Inform banking industries that you will abroad so as to not arouse suspicious activity on your account as anti-theft systems can see this activity and put a most inconvenient hold on your account.


It is best to inform tax offices of any change in residency. Some countries have reciprocal tax agreements, and others may require you to pay some form of taxes both in your home country and aboard. Most National Tax Administrations are an excellent resource for exactly what steps to take when moving away.


All travelers are recommended to have their routine vaccines. Some health organizations recommend a Hepatitis A shot since it can contaminate food or water in Hungary, regardless of where you are staying. Some travelers also receive Hepatitis B and rabies shot as a precaution, but it is not enforced.

For concerns about your health when abroad, the World Health Organization (WHO) publishes International Travel and Health, which is revised annually and is available free online. Another excellent resource is MD Travel Health. It provides free, complete travel-health recommendations for every country and is updated daily.

Update 25/08/2015


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