Suomen Kaasuenergia Oy
tel. 020 44 78550
You can order electricity from Helsinki Energy anywhere in Finland . You can also get Plussa points for your electricity purchases, if you have a personal Plussa card. You can compare rates with your present energy supplier and set up service on the website or by calling customer service, telephone number 010 802802.
Helsingin Vesi
Ilmalankuja 2 A, PB 1100, 00099
The City of Helsinki Water Department [Finnish]
Open 8.15- 16.00 Switchboard 310 1681,
Info 310 3300, Fax 310 33001
Update 20/05/2008
When you move internationally you are taking a big step. Lots of things are changing and you have a million things to think about and take care of. If you are able to select a top of the line moving company that moves for a modest price, it can take a big weight of your shoulders in busy times.
Our network of international removal companies can move your furniture & possessions to Finland and anywhere overseas.
Filling in the form will allow you to request up to 5 quotes from various moving companies. This service is free of charge and will help you select an international moving company that suits your needs and budget.