For many students, finding a summer job is an important source of income as well as an opportunity to increase their skills and travel to new places.
Unemployment is high in Egypt and it can be difficult to find positions in general, let alone for short-term work. However, there is a niche in Egypt for foreign workers. Look for jobs in writing, editing and translation (especially if you are a native English-speaker), development and aid, teaching, finance and investment.
The Egyptian job market operates on networking. Job listing are occasionally posted in English-language publications, but there are no want ads. Either have a job before you come, or be able to network. Any language skills in Arabic will increase your chances in connecting with locals who can provide leads.
Individuals currently enrolled as students can and should take advantage of their school employment offices for possible leads.
There are also online job listing. The more valuable aspect to these listings is to provide contact information to develop your own list of prospective targets. Once you've developed your list, get a set of business cards printed in both English and Arabic and give them out to contacts.
Many people start off by hiring out to perform services such as pet sitting, translation, or any number of miscellaneous services. Easy Expat's job listings is great place to post your resume and look for work.
Unlike many locations in the developing world, Egypt has many locals who are qualified to teach English. Native English speakers that specialize in one of these two fields rather than in general language skills have an easier time finding a position. Your best chance of finding a position is to arrive in Cairo with an adequate education, savings, and interview at possible schools.
You will need experience or certification to stand out from the crowd of capable English teachers. Language schools usually require applicants to have TEFL course certificates and a college degree. There are opportunities to volunteer teaching English to Sudanese refugees which offers valuable experience. Nursery schools are also a good option for native speakers as a love of children is more important than certification. Most schools will supply you the intent to employ so you can secure a visa.
There are no working holiday arrangements for Egypt with any other country. While natives of some countries are allowed to visit Egypt for up to three months without applying for a visa, if you intend to work during your visit you should consult the visa section of this guide.
An employment contract is standard for any working environment and in the case of student or short-term work, a student employment contract may be used. This usually imposes a time-limit between a student and an employer, with the student getting a salary for his/her work. Making a formal student work contract is not mandatory (it is possible to sign a standard employee contract instead), but may have additional benefits for a student position.
ISE Card(International Student Exchange Card) - An internationally recognized identification card with thousands of discounts in over 80 countries, it is valid for one year from date of issue. Students of ANY age are eligible, as well as faculty members and children to young adults from 12-25. The price is $25 and you can purchase it online at
SIC (International Student Identity Card) - Full-time students 12 years and older offers discounts on travel rates, accommodations, shopping, entertainment, basic sickness and travel insurance, and inexpensive international phone calls. A passport sized photo is required and the card costs about $25 and is good through December 31st of each year. It can be purchased at
IYTC (International Youth Travel Card) - A discount card for travelers under 26 who aren't enrolled in school, this card offers a smaller range of youth travel discounts. The card costs $22 card.
You will find information on voluntary jobs or internship abroad in our other articles on the left column of this page. |
Update 4/12/2011
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