A volunteer is an individual who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking. This type of service contributes to the well-being of the individual or community. Volunteering abroad can open up possibilities for future careers and is a great way to gain experience in a new field. These positions rarely offer hourly pay, salary, or benefits.
Volunteering in Sofia can be a rewarding experience for many and gives a chance for individuals to learn about others and the community. Most organizations require a formal application, a personal statement, and/or some type of donation.
Volunteer programs in Sofia:
The European Voluntary Service is a European Union program that offers young people (between 18 and 25) the opportunity to work as a volunteer for six to twelve months in a non-profit project abroad. The European Commission take in charge the travel costs for the young, the insurance (health, accident, public liability) and provides a monthly allowance from 140 to 220 euros.
Find a sending organization that will assist you individually along the procedure (you can find contacts through you National Agency, your National Coordinator or international volunteer organizations). Start contacting potential host organizations through your sending organization. You can have a look at the European database on accredited host organizations and the Youth organizations.
Many volunteer programs also handle visa arrangements and include insurance coverage in their program fees or as part of their compensation. If the program does not arrange for visas, ask for a letter of introduction to present along with your application for a visa.
If the program you choose does not include insurance, it is highly recommended that you obtain a travel insurance policy that offers coverage for 24-hour emergency care. Check for quotes on Expat-Quotes.
You might also look at our other articles on Summer Jobs and Internship abroad on the left column of this page for other opportunities.
Update 6/06/2018
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