Expat FAQ

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Rights to ride small motorcycles and mopeds in UK

If you want to ride a small motorcycle and moped in the UK, you need to get a Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) document at the Post Office. You will send the paper enclosed with your foreign driving licence, your passport and a cheque (about £70) - recorded delivery. You will receive within 3-4 weeks a British driving licence (credit card size).

The British driving licence will allow you to pass the Compulsory basic training (CBT), that is required to be allowed to drive a motorcycle. This test will last for all the day, is easy and at the end you should receive a certificate of completion, called the DL196. It cost about £100.

The CBT course involves five elements:

A. introduction
B. practical on-site training
C. practical on-site riding
D. practical on-road training
E. practical on-road riding (minimum 2 hours)

You can book your CBT online, by phone (0300 200 1122) or by mail (call to get a form).

The CBT is necessary to insure your motorcycle. You will have to drive with a L in front and at the back for 2 years (without the possibility to carry another passenger).



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