
The links of expatriation


Expat blog focused on moving abroad, specifically how to move tips ect..

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[Hits: 18 - Added: 26-01-2014]


  • Preparing for your move


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 Kinds of shipping pallets to use for overseas shipping
This discussion goes over the kinds of pallets that can be used to prepare an overseas self pack shipment.  If you are planning a self-pack international move you are probably going to need to fill your own pallet boxes and set them on top of a shipping pallet. Pallets come
30 July 2015 | 2:46 pm

 Go Abroad: What you need to know before you leave
Before setting out on your journey to go abroad, understand that the adventure you are about set out on will hold more new experiences than you can imagine. That’s why I am going to share with you what you need to know before you leave and start your new life. Going abroad
23 July 2015 | 4:30 pm

 Top events in Europe summer 2015
Looking for places to go to in Europe this summer? We got you covered with live music festivals, art exhibits and cultural events. If this sounds like a plan, then add these hot venues to your European travel plans. One of the best parts about going abroad is the food, culture a
20 July 2015 | 9:19 am

 What happens if I do not pay my student loans when I move abroad?
Moving abroad with Debt from Student Loans One afternoon I was sitting in an ‘Expat Meet Up’ group and I heard the question raised from one of the new expat members, “What should I do if I have debt from student loans or other expenses?” It seemed like an
30 May 2015 | 4:29 pm

 Expatriating to St. Lucia Island
Of all the unusual and intriguing places in the world to move to, St Lucia tops our strangest place to immigrate to. Expat Neil Armitage made this tropical Island his home amongst a small Island population of about 170,000 people. Warm weather and humidity are only some of the d
6 March 2015 | 2:27 pm

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J. Matcham, Amazon

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Patrice, Amazon