Spanish classes, online, 20€/ hr

 Teaching, Classes in Barcelona

Spanish classes, online, 20€/ hr

I am a native Spanish speaker and I also speak English, Catalan and a bit of Italian and german.
I am a Spanish teacher with an ELE certificate from the Instituto Cervantes.

I offer study sessions ONLINE now, anytime you want, during the week or on weekends, according your level and with a funn and easy method... You are going to speak spanish from session 1!!!

Price: 20€/ hour.

If you have any questions, write me a message. Cheers !!

wsp:+ 34 602 396 430

You can also download Spanish Workbooks at:

Price : 20 EUR

wsp:+ 34 602 396 430

You can also download Spanish Workbooks at:

Location: in Barcelona

Phone : +34 602 396 430

Posted by:
Ava Rios


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Spanish classes, Online, 20€/ hr
Spanish Classes, Online, 20€/ Hr
I am a native Spanish speaker and I also speak English, Catalan and a bit of Italian and german. I am (...)
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