
Verzeichnis für Expatriation

Suchen Ergebnisse: 4

Lingly is the personalised language learning platform, powered by AI. We help expats communicate confidently in their target language. read more
[Hits: 0 - Hinzugefügt: 08-05-2024]

2-German Kulturhaus

German Kulturhaus is a language center in Bucharest focus on German learning. We use effective methods and tools for learning German. We are here... read more
[Hits: 3 - Hinzugefügt: 28-10-2018]

3-The German Cultural Association of Hong Kong - 香港德國文化協會

We organize Private German lessons online for students of all ages and levels. Our teachers are native from Germany with a degree or master... read more
[Hits: 4 - Hinzugefügt: 21-01-2022]

4-Tellus Languages Abroad

Thinking about doing a language course in Spain, in Italy, in Germany or in France? Learn Spanish in Barcelona, San Sebastian, Almunecar and... read more
[Hits: 6 - Hinzugefügt: 23-08-2010]

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