Ländermanager - kambodscha

Freiwillige Arbeit/ Soziales Jahr in Kambodscha

Ländermanager - kambodscha

Der Country Manager in Kambodscha wird ein kleines Team im Land mit Sitz in Battambang leiten, dessen Aufgabe darin besteht, unsere Programme in der Region zu stärken und auszubauen. Der ausgewählte Kandidat wird eine entscheidende Rolle spielen ...

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Country Manager - Cambodia

The Country Manager in Cambodia will lead a small in country team based in Battambang, with a mission to strengthen and grow our programmes in the area. The selected candidate will play a crucial role in ensuring the effective delivery of our community programmes, support incoming groups of students contributing to our programme delivery and learning about global issues, manage the logistics and arrangements related to their time in the area and ensuring all legal & governance matters related with operations are managed as required.

*Strategically plan and oversee the development and delivery of all programmes in the hub to ensure alignment with organizational goals.
*Seek to identify programme expansion opportunities through research, needs assessments, and partner evaluations.
*Develop effective relationships with local communities and partners.
*Provide training, mentoring and support for teams and partners.
*Strategically manage all group and programme delivery logistics.
*Oversee and report on all financial management, exhibiting strong financial controls, accountability, and commercial acumen.
*Lead and support diverse teams through effective communication and leadership.
*Ensure safety and security of all representatives, programme participants and beneficiaries.
*Drive strategic planning for growth operational success.
*Represent the foundation and other group brands internally and externally, upholding organizational standards and values.

The ideal candidate will have:

*Experience in education, youth work or community development.
*Experience in logistics, financial and risk management
*Experience working with volunteering participants, preferably in a service-learning setting
*Experience living and working abroad or working with diverse cultures.
*A passion for community development and an understanding of the service learning model
*Strong communication, leadership and people skills

Firma: FutureSense Foundation

Ort: in Kambodscha

Job Typ: Permanent

Gehalt: Competitive

Gesendet von:
Maya Jennings


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Jobs, angebotene Stellen Freiwillige Arbeit/ Soziales Jahr

Maya Jennings
Ländermanager - Kambodscha

Der Country Manager in Kambodscha wird ein kleines Team im Land mit Sitz in Battambang leiten, dessen Aufgabe (...)

Freiwillige Arbeit/ Soziales Jahr: Kambodscha
Suche Job

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