Oneforma annotation/labelling project hiring: bildung aussprache

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Oneforma annotation/labelling project hiring: bildung aussprache

OneForma sucht Bewerber für unser Projekt „Annotation/Beschriftung: Aussprachebewertung im Bildungsbereich“!

Wir suchen für unser Projekt hebräische (israelische) Muttersprachler.

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OneForma Annotation/Labelling Project Hiring: Education Pronunciation

OneForma is looking for applicants for our Annotation/Labelling: Education Pronunciation Evaluation Project!

We are looking for native Hebrew (Israel) speakers for our project.

The project aims to improve AI so that it can better judge different pronunciations.

You will listen to the audio, and score sentences and words for accuracy, fluency, and prosody according to the pronunciations.

Main requirements:
• Must be a native Hebrew (Israel) - can be located anywhere as long as they are native Hebrew speakers.
• Must pass paid test in OneForma in one take.
• Annotation and labelling experience is a plus.

Compensation: We will pay per audio hour.

The team will provide instructions and guidelines, so you know what to expect and what to look for in each document.

To apply:
1.) For applicants with existing OneForma accounts, to apply, please login to OneForma using this link:
For new applicants, please create a profile in OneForma using this link:
2.) Go to JOBS tab > select Annotation/Labelling > “apply to”
Job ID for Annotation: Education Pronunciation Evaluation Project
3.) Kindly complete the required certification/s as part of the qualification process.

Work when you can and as much as you want.
You set the limits!

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Join today!

Firma: Centific

Ort: in Südkorea

Job Typ: Temporär

Gesendet von:
Centific Recruitment


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Centific Recruitment
Oneforma Annotation/labelling Project Hiring: Bildung Aussprache

OneForma sucht Bewerber für unser Projekt „Annotation/Beschriftung: Aussprachebewertung im (...)

Andere Dienstleistungen: Südkorea
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