School system in Andorra la Vella


Andorra's educational structure integrates both the centres that follow the Andorran educational system and those that follow other recognized educational systems, like the Spanish or French one. The formal system is divided into four stages:

  • Maternal,
  • First education,
  • Second education and,
  • Baccalaureate

Due to its strategic location, Andorra has adopted and offers three different educational systems in its schools; the Andorran, Spanish and French.

Despite the significant differences between the different systems, the law determines that schooling will be compulsory in the first and second grade sections, which means, from 6 to 16 years. However, depending on the systems, the division between the levels or degrees of each educational stage is variable.

In the following link you can check the educational centres that follows each of the systems:

There are slight differences between each of the educational systems. For example, while the primary education in the Spanish and Andorran system lasts for six years, in the French system this stage lasts only for five years.

The same situation is repeated in the second stage, which completes compulsory education until the age of 16 (15 in the case of the French educational system).

Regarding the last educational stage, "baccalaureate" or "batxillerat", this is a two years program in both the Spanish and Andorran system, and three years long in the French educational system.

Primary and Post-Primary in Andorra

Most children enter primary education at the age of six, when it is compulsory. Having completed primary education at the age of twelve, children then move on to secondary education until the age of 16.

For those who wish to enrol a University course, they must take two years (for Andorran and Spanish educational system) or three years course (for French educational system).
Here's an overview of all levels:

Primary (Primera Ensenyança)

The primary education sector (primera ensenyança) is the first stage of compulsory schooling and admits students from 6 years of age.

In the French system, this stage lasts for five years, while in the Spanish system and in the Andorran system the duration is six years. When finishing these studies, the students of the Andorran system obtain a certificate of first teaching.
The number of teaching centres that impart this stage is 25, distributed among the three educational systems.

Secondary School (Segona Ensenyança)

This second stage completes compulsory education until the age of 16 (15 in the case of the French educational system).

For the Andorran system, the duration is four years. In case of the Spanish system, it consists of a four-year cycle (ESO - Educación Secundaria Obligatoria) and it's followed by a two years cycle (non-compulsory studies - Batxillerat).

For those schools following the French system, the "collège" runs from the age of 11 to the age of 14.

In all educational systems, at the end of those 4 years, students will obtain a certificate. For most of the students who choose to stay at school, they will then follow a 2 year system; Batxillerat (baccalauréat) to prepare the students for the university students.

The centres that impart this second stage are four: one of the Andorran system, one of the French system, and two of the Spanish system (one of a religious nature).


"Batxillerat" is a stretch of formal education that prepares students to access the university or professional higher-level studies after Secondary School.

It admits all students who have successfully achieved the previous cycles and, according to the educational systems, begins at 15 or 16 years (depending the educational system followed).

In Andorra, the baccalaureate is only taught in four teaching centres: the Andorran school, the Lycée Français, the Spanish institute and the Sant Ermengol highschool.

Private Schools in Andorra

Another alternative from Andorran public education are private schools. Agora International School Andorra is the only one that offers this service.

The school is currently offering primary and secondary studies (up to 16 years old), which offer the students the opportunity to obtain a Dual Diploma: the Spanish Baccalaureate and the American High School Diploma.

Moreover, Agora has recently incorporated three more programs: International Baccalaureate (PYP), the secondary school (MYP Middle Years Program) and the baccalaureate (Diploma Program), providing the students with internationally recognized qualifications.

For further information visit:

Col-Legi International del Pirineu
Poliesportiu de l'Aldosa
La Massana, Principat d'Andorra
Phone: (+376) 838 366
Annual Tuition Rates: €750, then €670 per term. Additional fees of €140 for food and €150 for transport.

Private primary schools receive no State support, nor they are subject to State control in relation to curriculum, school day, school year, etc. There is a limited element of state assessment of private schools because the state is required to ensure that children receive a certain minimum education.

Teachers in private primary schools are not paid by the state and there are no requirements about their qualifications.

Universities in Andorra

The University of Andorra (Catalan: Universitat d'Andorra; IPA) was created in 1997 as a public institution of higher education.

The university consists of the College of Health and Education Sciences, the College of Business and Technology, and the College of eLearning and Lifelong Learning.

The IPA is a member of the European University Association and the International Association of Universities. As of 2006, almost three-quarters of the university's finances came from Andorran state.

Those who wish to enrol a university course must will be required to present any of the following qualifications:

  • An Andorran high school diploma or equivalent diploma recognised by Andorran authorities
  • University entrance exam for students over the age of 25
  • An Andorran advanced professional diploma
  • A bachelor degree in the corresponding specialisation for a master's degree
  • Degrees from foreign education systems which have been approved by the Government of Andorra

Pre-enrolment in any degree which the University offers can be done online via the University's webpage during the pre-enrolment period.

For further information about the Andorran educational system visit:

Ministeri d'Educació
El Molí Building
Rocafort Avenue, 21-23
AD600 Sant Julià de Lòria
Principat d'Andorra

Photo: +376 743 300 / +376 743 333

Libraries in Andorra

When planning to settle in Andorra for a long period of time, it is recommended to get yourself a "library card" at your closest local library.

You can request the card directly in any public library; There are eight public libraries available in Andorra. With this card you will be able to use any of the public libraries services in the country. The card is absolutely free to get and it only requires bringing your DNI, NIE, or Passport Number to obtain it instantly.

With it you will be entitled to:

  • Borrow up to eight documents: printed documents (books or magazines) for 21 days and Audiovisual documents (CD, DVD, Blu-ray) for 7 days
  • Free WIFI on location
  • Workshops for kids and adults about all kinds of thematic and fields

Biblioteca Pública del Govern (The Public Library) is the biggest library in Andorra and consequently, the better provided with material. However, along Andorra, 7 other libraries can also be found.

To see the full list of public libraries in Andorra visit: Andorra's Libraries Network.

Inter-library Catalunya-Andorra Network

From July 1st 2010, Andorran library users can enjoy the "interlibrary loan service" with the Catalan libraries for free, thanks to the agreement with the General Library Subdivision of the Department of Culture and Media Communication from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

To search for documents that are not available in the Principality of Andorra, you can consult the following catalogs. Once located, you will have to make the request to the library in which you are registered and the process will start. It can take up to two and three weeks approximately.

Update 4/10/2018


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