International Schools in Andorra la Vella


Andorra is located right between France and Spain, that's the reason why it has adopted and offers three different educational systems in its schools; the Andorran, Spanish and French.

In the following link you can check the educational centres that follows each of the systems:

However, Agora International School Andorra is the only one that offers the opportunity to obtain an international Dual Diploma: the Spanish Baccalaureate and the American High School Diploma.

The school is currently offering primary and secondary studies (up to 16 years old). Moreover, Agora has recently incorporated the three programs: International Baccalaureate (PYP), the secondary school (MYP Middel Years Program) and the baccalaureate (Diploma Program), providing the students with internationally recognized qualifications.

For further information visit:

Col-Legi International del Pirineu
Poliesportiu de l'Aldosa, La Massana, Principat d'Andorra
Phone: (+376) 838 366
Annual Tuition Rates: €750, then €670 per term. Additional fees of €140 for food and €150 for transport.

Private primary schools receive no State support, nor they are subject to State control in relation to curriculum, school day, school year, etc. There is a limited element of state assessment of private schools because the state is required to ensure that children receive a certain minimum education.

Teachers in private primary schools are not paid by the state and there are no requirements about their qualifications.

Update 4/10/2018


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