Trabajo de niñera y profesora en parís

Enseñanza, Niñeras en París

Trabajo de niñera y profesora en parís

Si buscas trabajo a tiempo parcial y te encanta pasar tiempo con niños, ¡Eveil Bilingue tiene el trabajo perfecto para ti!

Estamos reclutando hablantes de inglés (nativos o totalmente bi...

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Babysitting and teaching jobs in Paris

If you are looking for part-time work and you love spending time with children, Eveil Bilingue has the perfect job for you!

We’re recruiting English speakers (native or fully bilingual) for Childcare and Teaching positions.

We offer flexible hours from 5 to 20 hours per week that will enable you to fit in with your other commitments.

To be considered, you need to be available at least 2 days per week from 4 pm and/or full Wednesday.

Salary and benefits:
No level of French required
Attractive hourly salary
Opportunities for bonuses
Assistance with French administration
French health insurance
Hours adapted to your schedule
Comprehensive initial training
Resources + follow-up training
Great way to experience French family life

Native English speakers OR fully bilingual (level C2)
EU citizen or hold a visa to work in France
Must be available for at least 6 months
Previous babysitting or teaching experience
No level of French required

Join our friendly team! 

Apply on our website

Eveil Bilingue was founded in 2011 and we specialize in early language acquisition for 3 - 12 year-olds.
We offer positions in Paris and close suburbs (Vincennes, Neuilly sur Seine, Courbevoie, Saint-Cloud, Versailles, etc.)

English speaking / English Speaking babysitter / Babysitter / English Speaking nanny / Student job / Part time job / Babysitting / Baby sitting / Nanny / Student job / Nanny / Childcare position / Au Pair / After school / Baby sitter

Empresa: Eveil Bilingue

Localidad: en París

Tipo de trabajo: Permanente

Salario: 14-20 €/hour

Anunciado por:
Eveil Bilingue


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Últimos trabajos Enseñanza, Niñeras

Eveil Bilingue
Trabajo De Niñera Y Profesora En París

Si buscas trabajo a tiempo parcial y te encanta pasar tiempo con niños, ¡Eveil Bilingue tiene el trabajo (...)

Enseñanza, Niñeras: París
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