Expat Twitter Round-Up: 7th November 2011

Published 2011-11-07 11:50:48
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Twitter bird on globe Expats are a worldly crew, generally knowledgeable about the world around them from everyday happenings to major international news. We decided to collect some of the top tweets of the week for expats, travelers, and those interested in the global pulse.

Expat News

Christmas is coming - but what's the best way for #expats to send a cash gift? fb.me/19Dei0oug

#Expat Columnist Piglet in #Portugal shares her thoughts on Holidays and House Guests http://t.co/4qPdo3mL

Expat Divorce: What do you do when an assignee’s marriage breaks down whilst on assignment? bit.ly/qyfc1T

10 Expat Retiree Bloggers Who Can Teach You About Life Overseas http://t.co/FjEA3F4b #expat

New! We talked to @JoParfitt about her 28th book - her first novel - about *expat* life! bit.ly/t5wyZO

Australian airline Qantas agrees to compensate passengers affected by strike action bbc.in/tnigrW

Feliz dia de los muertos! Here’s a brief history to get you started on this ancient Mexican tradition huff.to/t5psmA #dayofthedead

Greek #eurozone crisis - live updates in text and video: bbc.in/rMYRq1 #Greece

1 world. #7billion people. Infinite possibilities. Discover why volunteerism matters #IVD: bit.ly/rWTace

Tweets from our Featured Bloggers

Expat in Beira, Mozambique
Morocco... The Epilogue nblo.gs/pxOD9

Expat in Australia
What is it like living in Turkey? su.pr/2Hf6LO #turkey #expat #travel

Expat in Stockholm, Sweden
totally obsessed with my halloween cupcake, i wrote my recipes for them and the icing - with lots of photos too ow.ly/7iiTa

Expat in Cuenca, Ecuador
Kookaburra Cafe - A Gringo Hangout in Cuenca http://t.co/wYDXNUv2 #expat #Ecuador #travel

Expat in Malaga, Spain
Looking forward to more Autumn walks in #mijas this year. A Walk in the Campo flic.kr/s/aHsjsWnqF3

Expat in Kuwait
Expat and the City - Kuwait: How to Tick Off Iran! US Troop Shift to Kuwait Eye... expatandthecity.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-to...

Expat in Toyko, Japan
LATEST BLOG POST: Fishing in Shinjuku? Who Knew? Check out this restaurant where you catch what you eat. wp.me/p16yh3-w2

Expat in Sydney, Australia
What Happened to Halloween in the land down under? New post on an #expat experiencing Halloween, witches' warts n' all: insearchofalifelessordinary.com/2011/11/what-h...

Expat in Dubai, UAE
We've all been there... The Newcomers: bit.ly/szttn3

Expat in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Just stay at home with a good book and some Brazilian coffee rachel-oddsandends.blogspot.com/2011/11/ping-p...

Expat in Shizuoka, Japan
Alien registration card poll: results and responses ow.ly/1fn7KW




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Expat tweets

Author: texkourgan
Part of the EasyExpat.com adventure since 2008. Drink, Travel, Write

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