INTERVIEW: Balthazar Tax Advisers, Amsterdam

Published 2009-08-10 18:59:43

Balthazar Tax Advisers is a Dutch and international tax consulting firm specialised in advising expats in the Netherlands.

Balthazar Tax Advisers, Amsterdam
Company - City - Country :

Balthazar Tax Advisers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Can you talk about your project?

On our website we have provided a lot of detailed information on tax in the Netherlands. The aim of our website is to help expats in the Netherlands know more about the Netherlands tax system and how they can benefit from it.

What is the status of your project?

As tax laws are changing continuously, our website has to be updated continuously. We also try to add new articles and topics as often as we can.

What is the most interesting Dutch tax rule expats should know about?

That definitely is the 30% rule. On the basis of the 30% rule expats are eligible to a 30% tax discount.

What do expats not like about tax in the Netherlands?

That probably is the high tax rate of 52% for the income you earn in the Netherlands in excess of EUR 55,000 (for 2009).

Why can it be helpful for expats to have a tax adviser assist them?

Having a tax adviser assist you in the Netherlands is in most cases a sensible thing to do. A Dutch tax adviser can reduce your tax payable. He knows which deductions and credits are available for you. He can assist you with your tax return and create the optimal tax position.

What is your activity on the Internet?

On our website you will find a lot of information on Dutch tax. It can serve as your tax guide in the Netherlands. We also write articles and communicate on blogs to share our knowledge on tax in the Netherlands to everybody that is interested.

What advantages/discounts could you offer to our readers?

We can assist expats in the Netherlands with their tax matters. Obtaining the 30% ruling for expats and filing their tax return such that their tax position is optimal, that is our expertise.

Contact (Email/Tel/website) :

Balthazar Tax Advisers
Telephone: +31 10 737 0424  

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Author: EasyExpat
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