HSBC: Protecting your wealth in turbulent times

Published 2009-04-21 23:36:08

Sponsored by HSBC


A seminar for foreign nationals in the UK

Investment strategies for volatile times

There are few certainties wherever you look in today's volatile global economy, but HSBC believe that this is the time when you need to think positively about the future.

HSBC invite you to a seminar on "Protecting your wealth in turbulent times".

They'll discuss the nature of the current markets and how you can best position your portfolio for long-term results.This seminar is for foreign nationals in the UK, and will cover:

  • Globalmarket overview
  • Wealthmanagement for foreign nationals living in the UK
  • Benefits of international life insurance protection

HSBC's InternationalWealth Managers will be on hand to offer independent financial planning solutions to help you achieve your financial goals and aspirations. Minimum investment criteria of GBP50,000.

Invest a little of your time in the seminar:

  • Date: Thursday 30 April 2009
  • Time: Registration 6 pm, seminar 6.15 pm– 8 pm
  • Location: The Grand Room, 78 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1JB

to reserve your seat:

This seminar is part of a series they have put together to help you understand financial planning. To find out more about these seminars, please:


HSBC: seminar for foreign nationals in the UK - 30 April 2009


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