Cook and cleaner

Housekeeping, Cleaning, Garden in Frankfurt

Cook and cleaner

need a cook and a cleaning lady for all work in the household and in a small guest house, sleeping accommodation in the house, contact WhatsApp +49177 5678 999

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Köchin und Reinigungsfrau

benötige eine Köchin und eine Reinigungsfrau für alle Arbeiten im Haushalt und in einer kleinen Pension, Schlafgelegenheit im Haus, Kontakt WhatsApp +49177 5678 999

Company: Aijana - Forster

Location: in Frankfurt

Job Type: Permanent

Salary: 400-800 €

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Latest jobs offered Housekeeping, Cleaning, Garden

Cook And Cleaner

need a cook and a cleaning lady for all work in the household and in a small guest house, sleeping (...)

Housekeeping, Cleaning, Garden: Frankfurt
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