If you have rented an apartment or house, you will need to give notice to your landlord of the date that you intend to vacate the property.
If you paid the utility bills directly, advise the utility companies in writing of your departure date and arrange for meter readings so that the final bills can be drawn up and settled before you leave. If you paid your bills by standing order, it is advisable to cancel these with your bank, in order to avoid any incorrect debits from your account.
Your consulate will be able to advise you of the formalities when leaving the country, for example whether there are any forms that you should complete, or goverment bodies that you are required to notify.
You should establish a fully detailed inventory of your furniture, as a moving form attestation is often demanded when you pass the border (you can ask for it at your Consulate).
If your children were registered at school in Dubai, remember to notify the school of your planned departure date.
Update 11/09/2006
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