To return to your home country, prepare to close down your household as previously discussed in the "Before the Departure" article (check in the "Departure" section).
The IRD asks that people leaving New Zealand contact their office and register a new address. If you are a resident, a departure for more than 325 days in any 12-month period will result in you becoming a non-resident. If you have an enduring relationship with New Zealand (eg with social and economic ties, personal property or accommodation here), you continue to be a resident for tax purposes.
Also prepare your goods to go through customs by making a detailed inventory and secure a proof of change of residence so you may go through customs easier. You will be asked on the plane before you land to declare all of the items you purchased while aboard.
To export personal belongings there should be no charge. There may be fees in accordance with import duties in your destination country. New (i.e. unused) items in particular are subject to import duties in most countries, as are alcohol and tobacco. If using a shipping company, they should be able to handle most of this paperwork for you.
Update 6/12/2009
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