Entrusting your child to a caregiver can be frightening, but necessary. Childcare is frequently advertised, but before trusting your child to anyone's care make sure they have the proper accreditation and licensing. You need to feel comfortable that your child will be safe and taken care of appropriately.
Prices range greatly from area to area, but in general price per day is around $60 per child. It can be difficult to find an open care center so plan in advance.
Childcare online is a helpful site for finding care givers, researching daycares, and finding advice from fellow parents.
NZ Childcare offers tips on finding the right daycare center, as well as advice on child rearing. there is also an extensive listing of facilities.
Kinder care is an excellent resource for childcare with establishments around the globe.
Babysitting is often done by family, a neighbour, or a family friend. Family is often expected to watch children for free, and babysitter's are usually paid less than professional care.
Young women, often in high school or college, may offer their services on-line service sites such as:
Hotel chains will often offer childcare for visitors of the hotel.
Prices and skill levels vary greatly along with prices, but it is best to hire someone with some CPR skills and references. Prices very greatly depending on the area and experience. Many of these jobs are unregulated however so prices can be much lower then minimum wage.
Update 7/12/2009
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