Volunteer service contributes to the well-being of an individual or the community, and is usually coordinated by a non-profit or public sector organization, and usually it does not pay any salary or wage. However, there are programs where volunteers (especially for international programs) in which accommodation, meals, flights, and sometimes a small amount of money is provided.
Volunteering is encouraged in New Zealand and there are a variety of places for interested parties to volunteer. The website, www.volunteernow.org.nz, is an excellent place to find positions in your area. You can also call 0800 VolCntr (0800 865 268) for your nearest centre.
Auckland's Volunteer Center 70 Khyber Pass Rd, Grafton
PO Box 8814, Symonds St
Ph (09) 377 7887
Fax (09) 377 9915
There are also some notable organizations that can help you find the right volunteer experience for you:
New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) runs conservation projects throughout New Zealand. Addresses and Calendar of Volunteer opportunities are listed on the web site (i.e. volunteers needed to carry out wildlife surveys and clean up remote beaches.
New Zealand Trust for Conservation Volunteers is a national organization that maintains an online register of conservation projects throughout New Zealand for the benefit of volunteers including international volunteers. Many project organizers provide free transport and accommodations. Contact info:
343 S.H.17 R.D.3,
Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Tel./fax. 011-64-9-415 9336
If you are interested in something a little less outdoorsy, there are many more academic options.
Being a volunteer at the Auckland Museum helps support the treasures of the Museum's collections. Your voluntary commitment will bring greater knowledge, more understanding, and the pleasure of new encounters that enable you to share this heritage with others.
Tel: (09) 306-7070 ext: 756
Email: volunteers@aucklandmuseum.com
Auckland's Zoo also accepts volunteers. Volunteers support the Life Sciences department by collecting grass and leaves for our animals. Plant identification is important. Responsibilities also include cleaning windows on the outside of enclosures, driving duties outside the Zoo, golf cart deliveries inside the zoo (full NZ driving licence is required) and making popcorn as an animal enrichment item. The applicants must be physically fit, reliable and be able to work independently. This organization asks for a commitment of 6 months and uniform costs of NZ$45.00.
You might also look at our other articles on Summer Jobs and Internship abroad on the left column of this page. |
Update 6/12/2009
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