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Sao Paulo

 Practical Life

Mobile Phone

The Brazilian mobile phone market is highly competitive. You may choose between "pay-as-you-go" (called pre-pago) and monthly (or pos-pago) payment packages. Individual mobile phone operators will be able to inform you about their latest promotions and give you details of their services so you can see what arrangement would best suit you.

In order to obtain a mobile phone connection you’ll normally need a proof of identity (such as a Brazilian national ID, a Brazilian driving licence or a foreigner’s ID registration number), your individual taxpayer's number (CPF) and a proof of residence, such as a utility bill. A monthly subscription will also require you to present your lease and a copy of your pay slip. Since the "pay-as-you-go" option requires less paper-work and is more accessible to non-Brazilians this is the more popular option.

The main mobile phone operators have high street stores in most major cities. You can easily set up your connection there. The principal Brazilian mobile telephone companies are:

All Brazilian mobile phones have a unique code, the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) code. The IMEI number thus provides protection if a phone is lost or stolen. The IMEI code is indicated on the paperwork at the time of purchase: make a careful note of it and store it separately from your telephone. You may also enter *#06# on the telephone to display the IMEI number. In the event of loss or theft of your phone call your service provider and speak to an operator. He or she will ask you for details of the loss or theft and the line will be blocked. No call charges will be made to you from that moment. No police report is necessary in order to do this although one will be needed to make an insurance claim. The blocked mobile phone number can easily be reactivated later when you buy a new phone.


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