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Bobatoo - Moving To Australia Insurance Guide

Moving to Australia? Here’s what you need to know about insurance

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 How Covid-19 Has Impacted Consumer Trends This Christmas
Every year since 2015, Bobatoo has carried out a survey asking shoppers in the UK about their spending plans for Christmas, helping find out how much the majority of consumers are planning to spend and who they’re planning to spend the most money on compared to last year.
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 Car Insurance Prices Could Increase Due to a Software Update
Many modern cars now contain ‘Software Over the Air’ (SOTA) technology which allows manufacturers to update a car’s software remotely. Some car owners with SOTA technology have been alarmed to discover that their car insurance premiums have significantly increa
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 How to Protect Your Savings from Fraud
While you’d like to think that tragic global events such as the Covid-19 pandemic mean that people come together in order to support one another through these difficult times, unfortunately, it appears that many fraudsters are using these trying times to prey on vulnerable
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 Could Covid-19 Cause More Motorists to Drive Uninsured?
It comes as no surprise that the Coronavirus pandemic has negatively impacted millions of people’s finances this year, so with many drivers potentially facing difficulty when it comes to paying for car insurance, authorities fear that the number of uninsured drivers on UK
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 Credit Scores Could be Affected for Six Years Due to Covid-19
With the government’s Covid-19 financial support schemes coming to an end this month, UK lenders will soon start contacting hundreds of thousands of borrowers to discuss their plans for repaying any money owed from payment holidays. This means that consumers who have exper
30 October 2020 | 10:17 am

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