Expat Newsletter November 2022 : Latest News with our Expat Network

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Expat Newsletter November 2022

Latest News in our Expat Network


Whatever you think about the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, you won't be able to ignore it completely. Football ( or soccer, depending where you live) fans will have plenty of coverage to satisfy their love for the competition:  a total of 64 games will be played in the monthlong tournament!

But this 2022 edition is also different because of its location. The poor conditions of the migrant workers employed to build the numerous infrastructures have been widely reported, and more recently the coverage about the ban on alcohol and threats to LGBT rights has raised additional criticisms.

Any world event is bound to be subject to some debate, but this organisation will likely be the most controversial in the history of the tournament. This is the opportunity to read again our article providing an update on the Qatar Football World Cup preparations. Have a look at our Expat Guide on Doha, and share your views in our forum!

Beside this world event, you will find also in our magazine several different topics: some tips about writing a claim for flight cancellations, a new ranking on the most powerful passports in the world and the forthecoming reforms for rights to work from home. And if you did not have enough of the royal coverage after the death of Queen Elysabeth II ( here and there), we also published an article on the status of monarchies in today's world.

We would love to hear your views and share your comments on our articles. Don't forget that you can react and comment on all our articles in our forums! Links are at the bottom of each article, and in the Magazine section of the forum.

Share your experience and participate to our blogger interviews

If you are a blogger, feel free to register your blog on BlogExpat.com and drop us an email so we can arrange for an interview :-)

And don't forget to share advice and information on the forums.

Enjoy this newsletter.

PS: If you have a personal expat blog, don't forget to register in our worldwide directory of expat blogs.

Cigna is offering a 10% discount until the end of the year!

All T&Cs available here

Cigna is offering a 10% discount until the end of the year!


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