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Work & Business

INTERVIEW: Networking and Expat Careers in the USA

Biba PédronBiba has been specializing in networking for years. Her company, Biba4Network, helps business owners to connect to who they need and maximize their networking results.  Focus on Career aims to help Francophones to start their own businesses in the US and facilitate their expatriation.

Biba4Network, LLC  / Focus on Career

City - Country :
New York/Miami  - USA

On which economic sector are you acting and what is its advantage?
Biba4Network international network for proactive entrepreneurs and small business owners, helps people to maximize their networking results, connecting them to who they need to meet & training them to network more effectively so that they can grow their businesses faster.

Focus on Career, French division of Biba4Network, is a One-Stop-Shop specialized to help Francophones to start their own businesses in the US. From incorporation to immigration, accounting, banking, communication, public relation, launch of products, business development, real estate investment and a lot more.

As a One-Stop-Shop, we save time and money to our clients. As a Francophone network, we speak their language, know their culture and can advise them on the American business culture to avoid the biggest mistake that most foreigners made when they try to start a business on their own.

Can you talk a bit about your company?
Started in 2003 in New York, Biba4Network open a second office in Miami in 2007. Based on networking, our company works with business partners and experts, all specialized on their own field, to serve the clients and facilitate their expatriation . Thanks to our extended network of professionals we can serve 99% of any demand of our clients.

Can you talk about your activity?
The easier way to learn more about of activities, is to read our series articles on how to work, live, and start a business in the US at www.focusoncareer.com/articles.html

Do you offer additional services?
Biba4Network organizes monthly teleclasses on various topics like networking and marketing, and a mastermind group to help entrepreneurs to grow their business.
Learn more at www.biba4Network.com

Focus on Career also helps Francophones and Europeans to invest in real estate in the US, and take advantage of the all the wonderful deals thanks to the down US real estate market and a very strong Euro. Today we can offer condos or houses for –50% to –70% less than there value.

To receive our free guide “Investir aux USA” go to www.focusoncareer.com/investir.html

Biba F. Pédron is the author of two books:

What is the profile of your clients?
Our Biba4Network’s clients are Americans small business owners and solo-entrepreneurs, starting their business or wanted to refocus their business.

Our Focus on Career’ s clients are Europeans and mainly Francophones small business owners, from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Africa. People who already have a business in their own country or want to immigrate with a new project.

What is your first advice to somebody who want to start a business in the US ?
Want to live the American Dream is Great, but you need to be prepare. Too many people think that itw ill be easier than in France, and that they will pay less taxes. If it is your first motivation, forget about it.

Starting a business in the US, will be take longer than you think, will cast you a lot more than you think, and will get a lot more obstacles than you think.
When people come to me at first, I help them to structure their idea. I very often hear “Oh I have a great product and no competition” but when I ask about their strategies to launch the product or their investment available for this project, I have no answer.

The first think I ask my clients, is to have a very clear idea of their business and how they will promote and develop it. Then I ask them to calculate how much it will cost them for the first year, both on the business side and personal side. One third stop there, because they quickly realize that a good idea is not enough, and without a solid business plan and substantial financial investment, there is no viable business.

What are the conditions of success for a business in the US ?
As a foreigner, whatever your nationality is, you need to understand the US market, and the “American way of business”. Even if you have a very successful business in your own country, it is not a guarantee of success in the US. You need to forget almost everything you learned and start again from scratch “thinking US”. Ask help of professional, don’t try to do everything on your own, it may seams to be cheaper at first, but you will pay it ten time later, as far as time and money. If you start on the right track, then motivation and focus are the two ingredients for success.

What services/information/help do you provide to individuals?
Specializing in networking, connecting people together, we always find the right resource for our clients, using our network and creating strategic alliances and partnership on various field related to business and starting a business.

Can you speak about your service/project and the difference regarding competitors?
There is no one offering the same services as a one-stop-shop as we do. When a client come to us, he doesn’t need to look for other contacts, we provide him with everything he needs and all the contacts he needs, in a more effective and efficient way, than other, because they have only one interlocutor to take care of their file instead of wasting time to look for XYZ contacts or solutions.

What is your activity on the Internet?
All our communication is provided via our websites on internet, and most our services provided by phone.

We us a client doesn’t even have to come to the US to start his business or invest in real estate. Thanks to our network everything can be done online, or over the phone.
We also offer products, like books or CD of seminar we recorded live in New York, on the topic of starting a business in the US.

What advantages/discounts could you offer to our readers?
We offer a 30 minutes free consultation to any one who want to start a business, to discuss their project and answer their questions.

Contact (Email/Tel/website)
Biba F. Pédron - biba@biba4network.com  - 917 573 9808   
www.biba4network.com & www.focusoncareer.com


 Author: EasyExpat |  2008-02-25 20:43:19

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