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Panama City

 Moving in

Mail, Post office

Panama's national postal system is called Correos y Telégrafos de Panama (COTEL). Unfortunately, the system is not known to be the fastest or the most reliable.

Because there is no door-to-door delivery, you must receive mail through the post office system. This is because many houses in Panama don't actually have addresses. So any mail sent to you needs to be addressed to your nearest post office, and mail that you send to others in Panama needs to be addressed the same way. Make sure you tell anyone sending mail to you to address you on postage in the following format:

Post Offices in Panama

Mail sent to you can be sent to your rented post office box or through general delivery. It costs $20 USD a year to rent a post office box, and $15 USD if you are a retired person.

Often times when picking up a package and not a letter, you must be cleared at the customs counter or office at the post office before you can take home your package.

Post Services in Panama

COTEL post offices will hold your mail or package for up to 30 days. Sometimes, postal workers strictly follow this rule, and other times they send the package back sooner than 30 days. It is advisable to follow the delivery of your package and check-in with the post office as soon as possible.


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