Work Usage in Budapest


Hungary's work culture is based on seriousness, good quality, and respect for customers and co-workers. Hungarians are very punctual and dedicated to their jobs and efficient in their working position no matter the field. Second jobs are also an option since many Hungarians have a general behavior in favor of work.

Working Hours in Hungary

A standard workweek in Hungary is 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Many employers restrict working hours so they do not exceed 12 hours a day (60 hours a week). Hours can be extended passed 40 hours for overtime if approved by employer since many employees are interested in additional income.

The workday starts at 8 or 8:30 a.m. and ends at 5 or 5:30 a.m. Daily lunch breaks usually do not last long. Friday is often a short day and many businesses may close at 4 p.m. or earlier.

Wages in Hungary

The minimum wage rate in Budapest is 105,000 HUF a month. The average salary in Hungary is 441,500 HUF a month.

Hungarian salaries usually must be paid in Hungarian currency, but can be paid in foreign currency if there has been prior written agreement between you and your employer. Salaries must be paid at least once a month, but are usually paid on a bi-weekly schedule.

Work Contracts in Hungary

Contracts must be made in writing. The employer is obliged to make sure the contract is set out in writing. Contents of the contract of employment include:

  • Name and designation of the partners
  • Job description
  • Basic salary
  • The site of which work will be carried

Contacts typically include the rules and regulations of the company you plan to work for. Contracts may also include confidentiality clauses and restrictive covenants to protect the employer in case the employee is terminated. The contract should also include how to go about any complaints if any need to be made.

Termination of Employment in Hungary

Employment in Hungary can be terminated in various ways:

  • Expiration of agreed term
  • Notice by employee or employer
  • Termination by mutual agreement
  • Setting aside the contract by the Cantonal Court
  • Death of employee

It is best to give two-week's notice before leaving work. The employer has full right to fire an employee if there is a viable reason. However, any type of discrimination that influenced termination is not lawful in Hungary.

Time off in Hungary

The employee is entitled to regular leave in each calendar year in which he/she is employed. In addition to full-time employees, part-time and pension employees are also entitled to annual leave.

Employees are given their leave based on a certain age. The basic holiday entitlement in Hungary is as follows:

  • Up to the age of 25 - 20 working days off
  • From the age of 25 - 21 working days off
  • Up to the age of 31 - and additional day tacked on to the 21 days every three years
  • Up to the age of 45 - and additional day tacked on from previous holiday earning every two years
  • From the age of 45- 30 working days off

The employee should notify the employer 15 days before going on leave.

Public Holidays in Hungary

The Hungarian government regulates public holidays and most are observed by private and public sectors. There are 8 major public holidays that are celebrated in Hungary.

  • New Year's Day - January 1
  • National Day - March 15
  • Labor Day - May 1
  • Constitution Day/ Saint Stephen's Day - August 20
  • Republic Day - October 23
  • All Saint's Day - November 1
  • Christmas - December 25 & 26

Update 25/08/2015


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