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Before going back

To return to your home country, follow similar steps to "Before the Departure" and close down your household. The peculiarities of repatriating are explored in the article, "The Art and Science of Repatriation".

There are a few important things that should be settled before your departure:

Banking: Be sure to close all bank accounts and take out all remaining cash. You can exchange the cash at the exchange bureau or airport.

Telephone, TV, Internet: Be sure to cancel all contracts before you leave. Some companies have fees for cancellations, so try and plan your contracts around your leave date.

Selling Your Home: If you bought a house, it is important to put it on the market many months before you departure. You can work with an agent to make the process easier.

Leaving Your Rental: If you are renting, you should provide your landlord with at least three months notice.

Utilities: Be sure to end all contracts with utility providers.

Consulate: Contact your consulate to find out details about your countries recommended procedures on issues such as pensions and unemployment.

Goods: Prepare your goods to go through customs by making a detailed inventory and be able to show your proof of residency. You can receive a full list of what items are prohibited in which country through the consulate.

Prepare your arrival

Along with preparing to move from you previous location also comes preparation for your new location you are heading to next. Be sure to do research and find out information about your new city.

Check out our other Easy Expat guides for details on your new location.


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